About Samazain

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my website.

I am Samazain studying in Indian school Al Ain in 8th grade. I live in Al ain in UAE.


My Hobbies

My hobbies are discovering things, reading books, dancing, playing the piano, doing karate and coding.I love coding, exploring more about python and html.

My faviroite books

My faviroite books are harry potter, Miby dick, wings of fire

My faviroite tv shows

Full house, Friends and Stranger things. My faviroite of them all is Full house that have a lot of comedy you can laugh about.

My faviroite places to visit

My faviroite place to visit of all time is muscat. There are a lot of caves and mountains to visit.

My Ambition

My Ambition is to become an IT engineer because I love inventing stuffs.

About my family

I have a kind and a such a beautiful family. I live with my sis, my father and my mother.

My parents are the most beautiful people I have ever met. My sister is the lovelyest sister I have. I love my family.

About my school

my school's name is Indian School which is located in Al Ain. I love my school. All the teachers in my school are kind and helping. I have so many frends in my school. We have a basketball court, football area and even a place to play throwball. My faviroite period is Biology and chemistry.

My faviroite youtuber

My faviroite youtuber is Brent Rivera, Faze rug and Ben Azlart

Faviroite song artist

Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and Justin bieber are my faviroite song artist

Faviroite sport

My faviroite sports are basketball, football, cycling and karate. The cycling is the sport I do more often.

Thank you and have a nice day
